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Launch of the Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Digital Transformation Exchange

We were at the Launch of the Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Digital Transformation Exchange by Minister of State for Manpower, Mr Teo Ser Luck LAST Wednesday, 26 April 2017. Mr Teo explained that the digital transformation exchange would help foster a culture of innovation among companies and add value to HR professionals in areas such as staff recruitment, retention and rewards. Companies need to be open to adopting new technologies to grow their human capital and create more quality jobs for Singaporean PMETs. HR professionals will play a critical role in this.


Evelyn Chow, our managing director, was featured by MOM on their facebook page. She highlighted how technology, when implemented correctly for HR, can bring immense benefits to companies and their employees.

“The adoption of technology to enhance HR practices needs to be driven by senior management for the company to enjoy the benefits of automation.

When such technology is fully implemented, companies can increase the frequency of employee engagement and feedback. This in turn motivates employees and acts as an enabler for companies to enjoy greater productivity.”