Internal Mobility: A Win-Win Strategy


Reading time: 7 mins


Photo: Freepik


As we get ready to usher in the new year, companies also tend to gear up for a hiring surge, particularly between January and February. This underscores a renewed focus on internal mobility and the importance of considering existing employees for new positions [1].

During this period, companies finalise budgets and post new job openings to fill roles. This surge in hiring highlights the importance of valuing and leveraging internal talent with internal mobility programs. Recognising and nurturing existing talent can substantially enhance employee retention and foster a culture of growth within companies.


In essence, prioritising internal talent demonstrates a commitment to the professional development of employees, as well as the overall success of the organisation.


Photo: Freepik


What is internal mobility?

Internal mobility refers to the practice of promoting career growth within a company. This allows employees to move between different roles, departments, or locations to best match their skills and aspirations with the company's needs. Essentially, it shows that the organisation values the talents of its employees and wants to grow together with them.


Why should companies care about internal mobility strategy?

Companies should care about internal mobility because it's a win-win strategy that fosters employee engagement, reduces turnover, and optimises talent utilisation. If a company invests in employees' careers, 94% are likelier to stay long-term. Companies that invested in employee development in 2022 experienced a 58% increase in employee retention and a 24% increase in productivity. Generally, companies can expect a positive return on investment in training employees, as it likely improves competency and performance [2].

By investing in the existing workforce and facilitating internal transitions, companies can rapidly fill vacancies with trusted, culture-fit employees who already understand the organisational ethos.


Why existing employees can be the right people

An employee's diverse background and prior experience can offer invaluable perspectives and foster multidimensional problem-solving, even if seemingly unrelated to the aspired job position. This unique vantage point can lead to clever solutions that might be overlooked.

Why it matters to employees

Having an internal mobility strategy saves time and recruiting expenses and boosts morale by showing employees that loyalty and skill development can lead to new opportunities. This signals to employees who value career growth that the company cares about their workers’ career trajectory. Internal mobility is a sustainable way to keep talent and knowledge within the company, driving innovation and long-term success.

How it attracts talents

A good internal mobility strategy also appeals to talents who value career development, compensation, and flexibility. Career development and learning programmes, which are part of internal mobility strategies, can both attract and retain talented employees [3].

talent database

Photo: Freepik


How to ensure success

It's important to consider some potential drawbacks of internal mobility despite the benefits it can bring to both companies and employees. One is the possibility of skill gaps. An internal candidate needs to be fully qualified for a new role or may need extra training and time to adjust. However, this is an opportunity for personal growth and development.

Focusing solely on internal talent could create a closed-loop system and limit fresh perspectives, potentially leading to organisational stagnation. However, bringing in external hires with new ideas can balance this. It's also important to consider workplace dynamics when promoting from within. While it can boost morale, it could also fuel internal politics or create perceptions of favouritism. Communication and transparent processes can help alleviate these issues.

To guide you through this process, we have prepared a comprehensive resource that outlines best practices and actionable steps. Dive into our guide on designing a successful internal mobility strategy and unlock the pathway to a more dynamic, engaged, and agile workforce.


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