Turning Potential Digital Blindspots Into Our Strengths


This is a summary of four prevalent digital blind spots that I have personally observed at multiple companies, and can personally relate to these challenges as the leader of a consulting firm.

Blind Spot No. 1: Strategic

One of the points is about adopting the mindset of collaborating with competitors to create network effects which otherwise might be a lot harder to achieve on our own. Good reminder that in this day and age, it pays to be strategic in every aspect - even how one engages with competitors.

Blind Spot No. 2: Cultural

It's truly not just about 'how things are done around here' but the critical factor lies in 'rewards and consequences that reinforce or adjust those (desired) behaviors' - and that's the part that can be difficult to manage. Difficult conversations though hard, must be had.

Blind Spot No 3: Human Capital

Having the right talent policies and programs to attract and retain the right talent is a perennial challenge. And in my view, being prepared not to hire until you find the right person requires tremendous discipline and commitment. It's easy to succumb to the temptation of adjusting the bar when the role desperately needs to be filled. But we must resolve to resist that.

Blind Spot No. 4: Personal

The key takeaway from this is that leaders need to proactively seek to understand the range of skills, behaviours and digital tools required to succeed in this digital age. We need to be prepared to ask for help; to learn and grow. I do find that surrounding myself with people who are curious, with an openness to learn and adapt, can be very inspiring and renewing.

The reality is that leading and executing a successful digital transformation can be very, very tough. And as Douglas A. Ready, the author of this MIT-Sloan blog post rightly points out - 'developing a digital mindset is a more complex challenge because it is a less tangible one to address.'

While the four blind spots may not sound groundbreaking in themselves, I found that as I read on, the points were insightful and worth pondering. A key takeaway for me is to bear in mind that while we could all be susceptible to some or even all of these blindspots, it's never too late to start working on them. And if I may add, a big dose of patience and a dash of humour will certainly make the journey a lot more enjoyable for the entire team!