The Power of Pause for Leaders


Reading time: 4 mins

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According to Bryant McGill: “Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges.” Moments of pause, are a must-have, not merely a good-to-have in effective leadership.

In a world where many things are competing for our time at work, why are these moments of pause so important, especially if we want to lead others well? Whether they are short or long pockets of peace, reflection and quiet, these are some benefits:

1. Clarity in Decision Making

A pause allows us to quiet the “monkey mind” and empowers us to choose thoughts and feelings – and consequently, action steps – that are proactive rather than reactive.  Was there ever a time that you wished you took a few deep breaths before replying to an email that triggered you?  Imagine how you would have reacted differently if you did.

2. Energy Management = Productivity

Pause increases our energy and productivity in the same way exercising does. On the outside, it might seem like we are “taking away time” when in fact, we are “multiplying” it. How? With a better focus of an uncluttered mind and a centred being, we can do more in less time, without compromising the level of quality of work. 

3. Creativity

A pause allows us to be fully present. By connecting head, heart and body, it opens us to fresh perspectives and possibilities we may not have seen if we were only looking for solutions and ideas from a logical viewpoint. As leaders, creativity is the spark that lights the way for innovation.

Need ideas on practising how to pause? Here are some you might want to consider: 

  • Take three deep breaths before you reply to an email or even while in conversation when you are feeling emotionally reactive.

  • Spend 15 minutes at the start of the day or at the end of the day in quiet reflection. 

  • Go for long walks in nature.

  • Challenge yourself to go on a digital detox for at least a day and engage in hobbies or activities unrelated to work. 

“The journey of leading in these times has been both invigorating and challenging. As a leader, I have also found it necessary to make the effort to pause and I have come to realize that pausing can be difficult. But pausing makes all the difference in terms of what we can give to our teams and clients.”  Evelyn Chow, DecodeHR

This article was written by leadership coach, Diana Jean (D.J.) Reyes, LightPaths Academy, in partnership with DecodeHR.

Find out how to take a pause at this leadership retreat:

The Leader's Camino