Highlight Reel: Compensation and Benefits


Reading time: 2-5 mins per article

Compensation and benefits (which is commonly shortened as Comp & Ben) is core to making a difference in motivating employees in their productivity at work and more importantly, retaining them.

Join us on this highlight reel of articles on the topic of ‘Comp & Ben’ to understand how it belongs as a crucial motivator in HR.


In this article, we will be understanding how the ‘traditional’ total rewards strategy could become less effective in due time and how design thinking could revere this process as we understand on what our employees want for an optimal employee retention through Agile Total Rewards.


Employees’ physical and mental wellbeing are commonly overlooked. In our opinion, we believe it is one of, if not the most important benefit required for employees to feel appreciated by their organisations. Join us and learn these 3 things for a finer HR function!


Next up, we have a guest contribution from LaserBeam Software.

Rather than ‘Employee Engagement’, job candidates are now more inclined to having an ‘Employee Experience’. It simply means of feeling a personal bond to the employee’s work organisation which in turn, the employee would become a more significant player in the team he serves. Check out this article to find out more.


Employee performance and retention are closely correlated to the incentive plans of the various organisation. Incentive plans which are well thought and designed would be able to develop growth in the organisation as well as achieve talent attraction. Find out in this article on the 5 key features of a good incentive plan.


Besides an incentive plan, a performance bonus plan would be crucial and helpful to better employee performance and retention. We will be exploring on the areas of consideration as we design a performance bonus plan.


There are many benefits to attract and maximise employee retention. One of which would be to invest in strategic planning and sponsor employees for further learning as apart from gaining more knowledge and skills, employees could take on more responsibilities post-studies. Find out how employee retention could be maximized in this article!


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